Camp Ramah

A story/coloring book that allows first-time-campers to picture themselves at camp, learn camp terminology, and understand what a day at camp might feel like before arriving on their first day.

My Role
Product Manager
6 months
Adobe, Google Suite, Pen & Paper


Camp Ramah in Wisconsin is a nonprofit Jewish overnight summer camp located in Conover, WI. I identified during my work as their Program Director that we were missing a key step in our campers' arc of experience: onboarding!

My goal was to teach all first-time campers, regardless of gender, race and camper age, about overnight camp, specifically what they should expect during a first summer at our Camp.

My First Kayitz (Summer) is a story/coloring book that allows first-time-campers to picture themselves at camp, learn camp terminology and understand what a day at camp might feel like before arriving on their first day.  

Check out my process:

Recognizing a need
Building a project plan
camper Draft → Professionally illustrated and edited
Final Product
© Annie Glasser
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